Level Up Your Career In 2024 And Be Part Of A Community Of Emerging Leaders 


Learn How The NextGen Soft Skills Certification Program (04/25/2024–06/22/2024) Will Revolutionize Your Professional Life!

A must for anyone aspiring to sustainable success!

➤ Register Here for the Next Cohort

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Dr. Santor's Research Has Been Featured In:

Looking to level up your career in 2024?

According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report, 89% of recruiters say that when a hire doesn't work out, it usually comes down to a lack of soft skills. 

In addition, 70% of the variance in employee engagement is due to an employee’s direct supervisor (Gallup).

When employees are engaged at work, they’re more productive, increase customer satisfaction, and tell their coworkers they work for a great company. Unfortunately, almost 60% of leaders never received any training when promoted to their first leadership role, which is why soft skills training is crucial (Center for Creative Leadership). 

If 2024 is your year to level up your career, this program is for you!
  • Fully online (self-paced videos, exercises, discussions, and quizzes)
  • Credly badges to add to your LinkedIn profile and resume
  • MMASC membership for one year
  • Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment and Workshop
  • Guest speakers from city leaders during one-hour Zoom live sessions twice a month 
  • Be part of a community and have a chance to network with other municipal employees

Soft Skills Certificate Program Course Overview 

MMASC and the Mulholland Consulting Group are excited to announce the BRAND NEW NextGen Soft Skills Certificate Program to help provide early to mid-career municipal professionals to move into leadership roles, including:

  • Personal Productivity
  • Business Writing (emails, staff reports, grammar refresher.)
  • Executive Presence & overcoming imposter syndrome
  • Personal leadership and leading others
  • Leading Up and Across
  • Managing office politics
  • Networking (internal and external)
  • Finding a Mentor
  • Working with Multiple Generations
  • Negotiation and Persuasion
  • And more!

Benefits of this program 

  • Fully online (self-paced videos, exercises, discussions, and quizzes)
  • Credly badges to add to your LinkedIn profile and resume
  • MMASC membership for one year
  • Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment and Workshop
  • Guest speakers from city leaders during one-hour Zoom live sessions twice a month 
  • Be part of a community and have a chance to network with other municipal employees

Our first cohort starts at the beginning of February, so contact us at [email protected] to save your spot before it's too late!

Register Here

Upon successfully completing this program, participants will be able to:

  • Build a foundation of essential soft skills for working in local government.
  • Identify long-term and short-term career goals and create a plan to meet or exceed those goals.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in networking (internally/externally), business etiquette (in person and virtual), and public speaking.
  • Write a professional email, agenda, meeting minutes, business report, business letter, and office memorandums.
  • Recognize how to match their individual strengths, weaknesses, personality, and goals with opportunities that will help increase their engagement and happiness at work.
  • Summarize and implement tactics to build stronger relationships in the workplace with their boss, coworkers, and external stakeholders.
  • Formulate and execute a plan to be an effective leader and team member.
  • Understand the root cause of conflict and generational differences in the workplace and implement tactics to help create a more harmonious working environment.
  • Articulate the importance of self-care and avoid workplace burnout.
  • Employ time management and personal productivity tips to help perform tasks faster while adding more value to their key stakeholders in their personal and professional lives.

This Program is Perfect For You If...

  • You are an early-career professional
  • You have entry-level team members
  • You or your team needs a soft-skills refresher

About Dr. Santor Nishizaki

Dr. Santor Nishizaki is a former acting city manager, the founder and CEO of Mulholland Consulting Group, a #1 bestselling author, and a TEDx speaker. His work on leadership and Generation Z in the workplace has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Psychology Today, BBC, CBC, Fast Company, and more. In addition to speaking and training, Santor is a Ph.D. professor of Global Leadership and Change at Pepperdine University, Business Lecturer of the Year Nominee (2023) at Cal State LA, and former project manager for a Fortune 100 company.

"Dr. Santor captivated our emerging leaders with strategies for exploiting their natural talents to lead their teams from a strengths-based approach.  I have no doubt his contributions will set them among the best leaders in our industry" 

- Brad Fry, Leadership Coach and Facilitator, W.E. O'Neil Construction

"Santor is engaging and also makes it interactive - you are invovled as a part of the conversation, learning about yourself and the others you are working with..."

- Jennifer Werber, Chief Operating Officer, PTD Business Management

"City Government is a tough job and the increased challenges that arous out of COVID-19 put them at an even greater disadvantage... Santor was the leadership glue that brought them together for a cause and he uncovered individual strengths and talents that helped move the city forward..."

- Jim Collison, Director of Talent Acquisition & Clifton Strenghts community Manager

The NextGen Soft Skills Certificate Program

Early-Bird Price



Standard Price



Check Option

Payment option for companies

  • Our program is tailored for early-career hires up to department heads.
  • Program duration: 10 weeks
  • Multiple digital badges from Credly for each week's topic(s)
  • Let us know if you want to register multiple people 
Looking for single courses?

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Find out who you are, build your personal brand, and steer your career in the right direction.

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Hacking Office Etiquette in a Post-Pandemic World

What’s the deal with office manners now that we’re working from everywhere? Soft skills like office etiquette still matter, even in virtual settings.

Master office etiquette to succeed in any work environment, whether remote or in-person.

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Learn how to find a mentor or be one yourself to grow personally and professionally.

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Discover how to network authentically to find job opportunities and advance your career.

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Leadership 101

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Learn how to lead effectively, no matter your job title, to make a positive impact.

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Teamwork & Collaboration

Do you struggle to work with others? Poor teamwork can hurt productivity and morale.

Understand the importance of teamwork and learn how to collaborate effectively.

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Hacking Critical Thinking

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Improve your critical thinking to make better choices and solve problems.

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Office Politics and Managing Up 

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Learn to navigate office politics with integrity and build positive relationships with your superiors.

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Emotional Intelligence, Work-Life Balance, Avoiding Burnout

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed at work? Ignoring your emotions can lead to burnout and unhappiness.

Develop emotional intelligence, balance work and life, and avoid burnout for a happier, healthier you.

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Negotiation, Persuasion, Likeability

Negotiating makes you nervous? Poor negotiation skills can hold you back in life and work.

Learn to negotiate confidently and persuade others effectively.

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Conflict & Constructive Feedback

Hate confrontation? Avoiding conflict can hurt your relationships and career.

Deal with conflict constructively and give feedback that helps people grow.

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Fundamentals of Business Writing

Struggle to write clear, professional emails? Bad writing can make you look unprofessional.

Master business writing basics to communicate effectively in any situation.

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Presenting, Public Speaking, Likability

Public speaking terrifies you? Fear of public speaking can hold you back in your career.

Overcome your fear and become a confident, likable presenter.

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Personal Productivity, Time Management, and Continuous Improvement

Wish you had more time in the day? Poor time management leads to wasted time and missed opportunities.

Boost your productivity, manage your time better, and keep improving.

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Customer Service (Internal, External)

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Learn how to provide excellent service to both internal and external customers.

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